Friday, May 7, 2010

Open Last Table in SAS

I've been trying to find a way to open the last table created in SAS by using a keyboard shortcut. It's taken a while and many online searches to find it, but I finally figured out a good way to do it. I created a macro and set the macro to a keyboard shortcut. Here's the entire macro:

%macro OpenTable(table=&syslast) / des="Open a table";

dm "vt %sysfunc(compress(&table))" vt;

%mend OpenTable;

Set the macro to a keyboard shortcut by typing the following code into the keyboard shortcut editor window (F9):

gsubmit '%opentable;'

By default, the macro opens the last table created, and the argument can be modified for any table.

I'm so glad I found a way to do this! This should save a lot of time!


I added more to the macro code in case the table doesn't exist. Here's the new code:

%macro OpenTable(table=&syslast) / des="Open a table";

/* Check if table exists */
%if %sysfunc(exist(&table))=1 %then %do;

dm "vt %sysfunc(compress(&table))" vt;


/* Otherwise pop-up a message that it does not exist. */
%else %do;

dm 'postmessage "The specified table does not exist."';


%mend OpenTable;

Update Update:

I've developed a rather complex macro now that does the same thing:


  1. This was helpful in spot checking analysis. Thanks for posting.

  2. Thanks for posting this, it was very helpful in spot checking analysis.


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