Wednesday, January 4, 2012

SAS Global Forum

I'm a SAS programmer, and I've always wanted to attend one of those big SAS conferences. So this year, when I heard about the SAS Global Forum, I applied for a grant from the University of Wisconsin and submitted two papers to present at the conference.

A few weeks ago I heard that I won the grant, and just last week I found out that both of my papers were accepted by the conference organizers. I'll be presenting both papers in the Coder's Corner section, with the following titles:

An Advanced, Multi-Featured Macro Program for Reviewing Logs
Standardized Macro Programs for Macro Variable Manipulation

If you plan on attending and you happen to follow this blog, please feel free to stop by and say hello! If not, I'll post the links to the papers as soon as their available from the conference organizers. For more information about the conference, go to

Hope to see you there!

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